Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Who do we get for the Yank?"


My learned cohort Ian St John sent over "the slate details" from Scott Free, a film and television company founded by filmmakers Ridley and Tony Scott. They were after certain films for certain genres and the Male Trailing Spouse had to cook to order. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

On the Hustle in Filmland


Vertigo Films, a British production and distribution company based in London, were interested in our ultra-violent but funny cop thriller and wanted to pick up the script.  There was one itty-bitty problem: we didn't have one to show them.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Running out of tea bags in America


Northerners put milk in first, Southerners second.


Two hundred and eighty five Earl Grey tea bags, twelve sachets of Lemsip (Lemon flavor), two jars of Marmite and half a bottle of "London Pub" malt vinegar -- it's tough to be a Brit in the God made State of Georgia.