Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes
Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes
Americans love guns. There are an estimated 270 million firearms in American private ownership, nearly as many firearms as human beings. One day quite soon the guns will outnumber the people. That scares me, but I am English. Now that I live in America I am starting to understand why I should be scared. Or, as it happens, not.
From my cold dead hands!
From my cold dead hands!
America is a radical country. Liberty is one of its founding principles. The freedom to keep and bear arms is a constitutional right in the Second Amendment. Yet it is the normality of civilian gun ownership that is scary these days even to some Americans. A heavily armed civilian population is something that now seems, unnecessary, dangerous, difficult to comprehend.
Charlton Heston killing zombies led by a liberal news anchor in The Omega Man. |
Guns have one function: to kill. They claim more than 31,000 lives every year in the USA. More Americans under 40 die from gunfire than from any specific disease. The firearms homicide rate is twenty times higher than that of other economically advanced nations. 61% of firearms deaths in the USA are suicides. 1% of U.S. gun dealers sold more than half of the guns used in crimes. And twice as many U.S. kids die from gun injuries as from cancer. The list of deadly stats goes on and on.
Columbine high school killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
Columbine high school killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
Guns define America. They are part of its history, are still a regular theme in every breaking story on the news. Mass shootings and home invasions, in the ghetto or in suburbia, make reoccurring headlines. And the names of gunman and recent infamous massacres, Columbine, Tucson, Aurora, Sandy Hook, feature so often in reports they are etched on mass memory.
If you were to believe the news, or all the violent plots of TV cop shows, Law and Order, Criminal Minds, CSI, you would view the USA as one big crime scene under the permanent shadow of the gun. You can’t shy away from it in America. It is the ultimate expression of power over another human being.
Piers Morgan alienating his American audience
Piers Morgan alienating his American audience
Non-Americans think that they can see what America does not see, that it is its own worst enemy, a nation of gun junkies, a barmy colony where firearms and the constitutional right to bear them now threatens those other enshrined rights – life and the pursuit of happiness.
Chuck loved guns
Chuck loved guns
We forget how rural the USA is. Guns are a necessity if you live in the countryside. Hunting, for game and deer, is still a major part of the American way of life. These guns are apolitical. Their owners are ordinary, law-abiding Americans, the next-door neighbor with whom you had an argument over the height of your hedge, or the Libertarian bloke who lives upstairs, the one who shows you his armory over a cup of ice tea.
Member of a darker constituency?
Member of a darker constituency?
Yet beyond the bloke upstairs and the Buckhead Betty who carries a pistol in her Gucci handbag there is a newer, darker gun-carrying constituency. America now has a stew of marginalized citizens, “Second Revolutionaries,” heavily armed rural militia groups, crypto-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan offshoots. They see themselves in revolt against the Leviathan authority of big government and its elected leader, the President of the United States of America.
At a local gun show in Gwinnett, Georgia, in the lines and aisles of heavily armed men and women, I met some of these self-proclaimed activists against tyranny.
NRA redneck actor bloke |
Fuck you faggot